Becoming a Member

The benefits of membership in the Indiana Tourism Association are many, including:

  • Being a part of a tourism advocacy team
  • Access to information and support to assist your organization in its day-to-day operations
  • Professional Development
  • Networking
  • Access to legal representation

The Indiana Tourism Association has 4 types of membership:

Type Definition Examples
Full DMO Member Any organization that serves as the official DMO for a city, county or region and is officially sanctioned as the local DMO. CVBs, chambers, tourism commissions, visitor centers, tourism offices, tourism authorities
Attraction/Industry Member Any individual, entity or organization that is interested in the promotion or enhancement of the visitor industry. Attractions, restaurants, casinos, hoteliers
Affiliate Member Any individual, entity or organization that is directly engaged in or serves the visitor industry and offers some type of product or service to our members. Advertising agencies, print publications, marketing services, research companies
Reciprocal Member While never discussed in the past it is necessary for ITA to offer reciprocal membership to other statewide, non-profit associations. These members will not be allowed to vote on membership matters, but are welcome to attend meetings and have access to the member portion of the website. State Festivals Association, Parks and Recreation Association, Sports Indiana, INrhl

Click the links below for membership information and applications:

Have questions? Contact the Indiana Tourism Association.